Gender Affirmation Project
The Trans-ilience Research Lab is proud to partner with Allen Neighborhood Center and the MSU Triangle Bar Association to present the Gender Affirmation Project, a program that provides financial and practical assistance to transgender and nonbinary folks in Ingham County seeking to update their legal name and/or gender marker.
Predictors of Prejudice Against Transgender Individuals

This study was led by Dr. Jae Puckett and Cylie Hanson, a former undergraduate student who was completing her honors thesis. Dr. Zachary DuBois also collaborated with us on this study.

Overall Aims:
The primary aims of this study were to examine predictors of negative attitudes towards transgender individuals.

What's included in this study?
This was a brief online survey for cisgender people. We asked questions about attitudes towards transgender people, personal contact with transgender people, education about issues that impact transgender communities, and other individual experiences that may shape attitudes or levels of bias in general, such as proneness to aggression and critical consciousness. We also examined the ways in which cisgender people make meaning of gender experiences to understand how they draw boundaries around gender groups via having them define what it meant to be a man or a woman and what traits they associate with masculinity, femininity, and androgyny.

What's the current state of this study?
The study is complete and we are still in the process of analyzing data from this study and publishing/presenting the findings.

What are the findings from this study?
We are still analyzing this data, but a few key findings so far:
This paper examined the associations between critical consciousness, social dominance orientation, and prejudice towards transgender people.
We recently finished analyzing data about how cisgender people construct meanings of gender and will be providing a link to these findings once available.
Presentations and Publications:
Puckett, J. A., Dunn, T., Hanson, C., Kuehn, K., & DuBois, L. Z. (in press). An examination of predictors of prejudice against transgender individuals. Journal of Homosexuality.
Puckett, J. A., DuBois, L. Z., McNeill, J. N., & Hanson, C. L. (2020). The association between social dominance orientation, critical consciousness, and gender minority stigma. Journal of Homosexuality, 67, 1081-1096. doi: 10.1080/00918369.2019.1603493
Fox, J., Puckett, J. A., & DuBois, L. Z. (April, 2018). What does it mean to be a man or a woman? An examination of the social construction of gender. Poster presentation at the University of South Dakota’s IdeaFest Conference.
Hanson, C. L., & Puckett, J. A. (April, 2016). An examination of predictors of prejudice against transgender individuals. Poster presentation at the University of South Dakota’s IdeaFest Conference.